
とらのあなTOP / 本サイトについて



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  • Cookieの設定方法については、こちらをご参照ください
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    ■ とらのあなWeb Site バナー ■

    <img src="" width="200" height="40">

    ■ とらのあなWeb Site バナー(大) ■

    <img src="" width="390" height="70">



    TORANOANA WEB SITEは、株式会社虎の穴(以下、「当社」といいます。)が運営するWebサイト(以下、「本サイト」といいます。)です。
    TORANOANA WEB SITE 利用規約(以下、「本規約」といいます)は、利用者の本サイトの閲覧および当社が本サイトにおいて提供する「通信販売」その他当社が提供する一切のサービス(以下、「当社サービス」といいます。)の利用について規定した利用規約です。


    第3条(サービスの利用 )













    とらのあな通信販売会員(以下、「会員」といいます。)とは、「とらのあな通信販売会員利用規約(以下、「本規約」といいます)」および「TORANOANA WEB SITE利用規約」、その他株式会社虎の穴(以下、「当社」といいます。)の各利用規約に同意の上、所定の方法により、会員登録をした個人をいいます。会員は、当社が運営するWebサイト(以下、「本サイト」といいます。)上において、当社が定める条件に従って、当社の会員向けサービス「ショッピングカートを用いた通信販売サービス、その他本サイト内で提供する各種のサービス(以下、総称の場合は単に「サービス」といいます。)」を利用することができます。









    会員は、通信販売サービスで注文した商品の代金を、「代金引換発送の受取時点での現金支払い」、「クレジットカード決済による支払い」、「株式会社SCOREの提供する「後払い決済」サービス(以下、「後払いサービス」といいます)による支払い」、「とらコイン決済による支払い」のいずれかをご利用いただくことができます。なお、支払方法は、注文手段または注文商品によって制限される場合があります。各決済方法には、決済サービス提供会社による与信審査があり、審査の結果によっては、お選び頂いた決済方法をご利用頂くことができない場合があります。 なお、会員が選択した決済方法が与信審査の結果により利用できない場合や、商品発送時点までに商品代金の支払い方法を確定することができなかったことを理由に当該取引が取消されたことで、会員に何らかの損害が生じた場合でも、当社は一切の責任を負いません。



    会員は通信販売サービスで注文した商品を購入する場合、商品代金とは別に、当社所定の配送料及び配送に伴う手数料を負担いただきます。 詳しい手数料はとらのあなWebsiteご利用ガイドをご参照ください。
    また、前項に定める再発送による配送料及び配送に伴う手数料、会員の都合により売買契約が解除された場合および解除とみなされた場合に 既に当社が負担した費用(商品の配送・移動費用、連絡費用、調査費用を含みます)は、会員が負担するものとします。
















    <TORANOANA WEB SITE 利用規約>第13条参照

    <TORANOANA WEB SITE 利用規約>第14条参照
    とらのあな通信販売 ポイント規約
    1.当社および本サイトは、本規約および本サービスの内容の変更、中止または終了を予告なく行なうことができるものとし、会員はこの決定に異議なく従うものとします。 また、かかる変更等により、会員に不利益または損害が生じた場合であっても、当社はこれらについて一切の責任を負わないものとします。
    2.当社および本サイトは、本サービスの運営に関し、通信環境やコンピュータ・サーバの不具合などの障害により、本サービスの提供に障害が生じた場合でも、その障害が生じたことにつき当社に重大な過失の無い限り、会員に生じた損害については一切責任を負わないものとします。 3.会員が退会もしくは会員資格を喪失した場合、未使用のポイントは退会もしくは会員資格の喪失と同時に失効します。退会もしくは会員資格の喪失後に再び会員登録をした場合であっても、会員資格喪失時に失効したポイントは回復しないものとします。
    2007年11月22日 株式会社虎の穴
    2013年1月28日 改訂
    2014年3月1日 改訂
    2015年4月30日 改訂
    2015年12月8日 改訂
    2016年2月29日 改定
    2016年8月31日 改定
    2019年8月13日 改定
    2024年11月21日 改定

    とらのあなマイページ/ 店舗ポイントカードメニュー利用規約
    会員が、本サービスの会員IDを使用し、当社の通信販売サービスの利用を希望する場合は、当社が別途に定める「TORANOANA WEB SITE 利用規約」「通信販売、とらのあなダウンロードストア利用規約」「通信販売、とらのあなダウンロードストア会員規約」「ファイル配信利用規約」に同意した上で、当社が定める手続きにより、通信販売サービス会員登録を行ってください。
    お問い合わせ先:株式会社虎の穴 カスタマーセンター
    1. 利用者が本サービスにて投稿したレビュー(以下「本レビュー」といいます。)に関する著作権は、利用者に帰属するものとします。
    2. 利用者は、当社に対し、本レビューを複製、公衆送信、上映、展示、頒布、譲渡、貸与、翻訳、翻案、改変する権利(当社がこれらの権利を第三者に再許諾する権利を含みます。)を無償かつ期限の定めなく許諾したものとみなします。
    3. 商品レビューに投稿いただいた内容は、利用者様に個別に通知することなく、当社が提供するカタログ、パンフレット、Webサイト、メールマガジンその他の媒体に掲載することがあります。
    4. 利用者は、当社及び当社が利用を再許諾した第三者に対し、本レビューに関する著作者人格権を行使しないことに同意したものとみなします。
    2022 年 6月 1日制定
    2022 年 6月 1日施行

    About This Site

    Restriction on Access
    This site includes pages that contain adult content.
    If you are under the age of 18, please do not view any page on which the statement“『Not for Under 18” is displayed or purchase any adult products.
    We will not be responsible for any disadvantage caused to you by age fraud, etc.We appreciate your understanding regarding this in advance.
    Even if a product is produced for the general public, it will be handled as a product for adults if it is designated as unwholesome material by a Tokyo Metropolitan Government ordinance.
    System and Recommended Browsers
    The recommended operating environment is as follows:

    ■Recommended Browsers
      Latest version of Firefox
      Latest version of Safari
      Latest version of Google Chrome
      Latest version of Microsoft Edge
  • Some parts of this site use JavaScript, cookies and frames. Please enable these when browsing.
  • For the procedure for setting your browser to accept cookies,see here.
  • A screen resolution of at least 800 x 600 is recommended.
  • Links

    You are free to share the link to this site. If you do so, please link to the top page(
    *However, if you are a circle or a manufacturer, you may link directly to product detail pages for mail-order or DL sales only for the purpose of introducing your own works or products.
    *Except for this banner image, you are prohibited from duplicating, reprinting or copying any part or all of thiswebsite without permission.

    ■ Toranoana Web Site Banner ■

    <img src="" width="200" height="40">

    ■ Toranoana Web Site Banner (Large) ■

    <img src="" width="390" height="70">
    ※We also provide a large banner. Please feel free to use this as well.

    Terms of Use

    The Terms of Use have been prepared in Japanese and translated into English.
    The Japanese version is the original, and the English version is provided as a reference. If there is a conflict between these two versions, the Japanese version takes precedence.


    Article 1 Definitions
    TORANOANA WEB SITE is a website (hereafter referred to as the “Site”) operated by Toranoana Inc. (hereafter referred to as the “Company”).
    The TORANOANA WEB SITE Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as these “Terms”)
    govern users’ viewing of the Site and use of the mail order service provided on the Site by the Company and all other services provided by the Company (hereafter referred to as the “Company’s Services”).
    These Terms apply to all users accessing the Site (hereafter referred to as “Users”). Users are required to review and agree to these Terms before accessing or viewing the Site or using the services. If a User continues to access or view the Site or use the services, that User will be deemed to have agreed to these Terms and the terms of use of respective services.
    The Company prohibits anyone who cannot agree to these Terms or breaches any of the prohibitions prescribed herein from viewing the Site and using the services.

    Article 2 Scope and Revision of These Terms
    These Terms apply to the entire relationship between Users and the Company from the time they access the Site.
    The Company may revise these Terms at its discretion without Users’ consent, and the Company will announce any revision of these Terms by promptly posting the revised terms on the Site.
    Upon posting of new terms, the revised terms shall apply, and Users shall comply with the revised terms.
    The Company shall not be liable for any disadvantage caused to Users by revision of these Terms.

    Article 3 Use of Services
    Users shall use the Company’s Services in accordance with laws and regulations, rules, directives, and these Terms as well as thePersonal Information Protection Policy,FAQ,etc.separately prescribed by the Company.

    Article 4 Correspondence with Company
    Any and all installation costs and usage fees, communication fees and any other expenses for communication devices used for viewing the Site and using the Company’s Services shall be borne by Users, regardless of the reason for such expenses.
    We are unable to accept inquiries regarding the Company’s Services at head office, business offices, distribution centers or stores even if you visit there. Please submit inquiries in Japanese only either by sending them via the web form or by contacting the inquiry desk prescribed by the Company.

    Article 5 Access to Site
    When accessing the Site, in principle you shall access the top page(
    Since the Site contains adult content, minors are prohibited from viewing those parts of the Site.
    Content for adults can only be viewed by those who are 18 years of age or older, and, if a User lies about his/her age and views a site page displaying adult content, that User shall assume full responsibility.

    Article 6 Use of Services
    To use the Company’s Services, you are required to agree to these Terms as well as the separately prescribed terms of membership for various kinds of services and then complete the prescribed procedures.

    Article 7 Price Indication
    Prices for products indicated on the Site are prices excluding taxes and charges unless otherwise indicated.
    Please make sure to check the amount you are required to pay in addition to the prices of products (consumption taxes, delivery and settlement charges, transfer charges, etc.) displayed when you use the shopping cart.
    In the case that a relevant law or regulation is amended, the consumption tax rate and price indication shall comply with the provisions of that law or regulation.

    Article 8 Change, Suspension, Stop, etc. of Services
    The Company may suspend or stop the provision of all or part of the Company’s Services without prior notice to Users when it carries out scheduled or emergency system maintenance in order to constantly provide services in good condition, when the system becomes overloaded, when it becomes necessary to ensure security for Users, or when it determines that it is otherwise necessary.
    The Company shall not be liable for any damages caused to Users in such case. Also, in the case that a force majeure such as an act of God, human-made disaster or any other disaster makes it impossible to operate the Site, the Company shall not be liable for any resulting damages to Users or third parties.

    Article 9 Company’s Disclaimer
    1.The Company shall not be liable for any damages caused by interruption, delay or discontinuation of the system due to failure of a communication line, computer, etc., loss of data or unauthorized access or for any other damages caused to Users in connection with the Company’s Services.
    2.The Company does not warrant that e-mail messages and content sent from the Company’s website, server or domain are free from computer viruses and other harmful elements.
    3.The Company may provide information or advice to Users in accordance with circumstances, but the Company will not assume any responsibility as a result of doing so.
    4.The Company will have no concern about, and assume no responsibility for, any dispute that may arise between a User and a third party.
    5.The Company shall not be liable for any damages caused by a User’s breach of these Terms or any other provisions, terms or general conditions prescribed by the Company.
    6.The Company does not guarantee the accuracy or usefulness of content.
    7.The Company does not guarantee the usefulness, accuracy or security integrity of any links placed on the website owned and operated by the Company.
    8.The Company does not warrant that the Company’s Services will satisfy the expectations of Users or that information, data or works obtained through the Company’s Services will satisfy the expectations of Users.
    9.The Company does not warrant that data or works provided are free from failure, bugs and other defects or that such defects will be corrected.
    10.The Company shall not be liable for any damages caused to Users by use of the Company’s Services.
    11.Even if the Company is liable for any reason, it shall provide compensation only for direct and actual damages incurred by Users and shall not be liable to provide compensation for indirect damages, special damages, future damages or damages due to lost profits.
    12.In the case that a User causes any damages to a third party as a result of use of the Company’s Services, the User shall resolve the issue at its responsibility and expense, and the Company shall not be liable for such damages.

    Article 10 Prohibited Acts
    The Company prohibits Users from performing any of the following acts (hereinafter referred to as “Prohibited Acts”) on the Site or in the Company’s Services. If it is discovered that a User performed any of these acts, the Company will take such action as deemed necessary. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by a User as a result of his/her act corresponding to any of the Prohibited Acts set forth below. In the case that the Company suffers any damages, the User who performed any of the Prohibited Acts shall be liable to provide compensation for the damages caused to the Company.

    1.Act that breaches these Terms, terms of use or other provisions, terms or general conditions prescribed by the Company
    2.Infringement of a copyright, trademark right or any other intellectual property right of the Company or a third party, or an act that may lead to such infringement
    3.Act that causes, or is likely to cause, any problem, disadvantage or damages to the Company or a third party
    4.Provision of any information that is contrary to fact, or is, or is likely to be, contrary to public order and morals, to the Company or a third party
    5.Criminal act, act that is contrary to public order and morals or any other act that is, or is likely to be, in violation of any law or regulation
    6.Election activities, religious activities or any act similar to the foregoing, or any other political or religious act
    7.Improper use of a password or entry of any false information (including the act of accessing the Site while pretending to be someone else)
    8.Disguising data unrelated to the Site to appear if it had been sent from the Site
    9.Use of a fictitious name, another person’s name or a false title, use of a fictitious company name, use of the name of a company or organization that you are not authorized to represent, or pretending to have a relationship, affiliation or collaboration with any other person or organization
    10.Putting a significant burden on the Site’s server or any other act of interfering with the operation, etc. of the server (including, but not limited to, hacking)
    11.Resale or use of the Site for profit (except such act as specifically approved by the Company)
    12.Acts comparable to those set forth in the foregoing items and other acts deemed inappropriate by the Company

    Article 11 Principle of Self-responsibility
    Use of services shall be at each User’s own responsibility and expense. If a User causes any damages to a third party or the Company while using services, the User shall provide compensation for that damages at his/her own responsibility and expense.

    Article 12 Intellectual Property Rights
    The copyrights and other intellectual property rights relating to texts, images, videos, music, etc., on the Site and all content posted as well as services provided by the Company belong to the Company or the producers or production companies of such content, etc. Users are prohibited from infringing on those rights.

    Article 13 Governing Law and Official Text
    These Terms shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Japan, and the official text of these Terms shall be these provisions prepared in the Japanese language.

    Article 14 Governing Law and Jurisdiction
    Any lawsuit required in connection with these Terms shall be subject to the exclusive international jurisdiction of Japan, and the Tokyo District Court or Tokyo Summary Court in Japan shall be the agreed court of exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance, depending on the subject matter jurisdiction.

    Terms of Use for TORANOANA Mail Order Members
    Article 1 Members
    TORANOANA mail-order members (hereafter referred to as “Members”) are individuals who have signed up as members by the prescribed method after agreeing to the Terms of Use for TORANOANA Mail Order Members (hereafter referred to as these “Terms”), Terms of Use of TORANOANA WEB SITE and the other terms of use of Toranoana Inc. (hereafter referred to as the “Company”). Members may, on the website operated by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”), use the Company’s services for members (mail order service using shopping cart and other various kinds of services provided on the Site (hereafter collectively, simply referred to as the “Services”)) in accordance with the terms and conditions prescribed by the Company. To use additional services other than the mail order service, you may be required to register items separately prescribed by the Company.

    Article 2 Scope of Application
    1.These Terms shall apply from the moment when an applicant has submitted their membership registration. These Terms shall apply until the termination of registration is completed, regardless of whether or not the relevant Member or applicant for membership has used the Services.
    2.Information, rules, etc. regarding the Services stated on the Site by the Company, including, but not limited to, the user guide, product introduction information and announcements, constitute these Terms.

    Article 3 Registration and Membership Fees
    Registration and membership fees are not charged. However, all communication costs and other necessary expenses for performing the membership registration procedure and in using the Services shall be borne by the applicants for membership and the Members.

    Article 4 Membership Registration
    1.An applicant for membership will become a Member if an application for membership registration for the use of the Services is made to the Company by the applicant through the prescribed procedures and is approved by the Company. No applications for membership submitted by an agent will be accepted.
    2.Members have the duty to register accurate and up-to-date information on the necessary items prescribed by the Company at the time of membership registration and to keep such information accurate, true and up-to-date thereafter. In the event of any change in these registered items, the relevant Member shall promptly perform the procedure to make changes by the method prescribed by the Company.
    3.The Company shall not be liable for any failure or disadvantage caused to any Member as a result of failure to perform the procedures prescribed in Paragraph 2 above. Members shall agree in advance that, even if the procedures for change are performed, transactions (order placement, purchase, gift entry, inquiries, etc.) for which procedures have already been performed before the registration of the change will be carried out based on the information before the registration of the change.
    4.An application for membership registration may be rejected at the discretion of the Company if it is made by a person whose membership was revoked in accordance with the Company’s rules in the past or contains any false statement, error or omission. Further, membership may be revoked at the discretion of the Company if any of the facts referred to in the above is found after completion of registration (including where there are reasonable grounds for assuming such facts).

    Article 5 Management of User ID and Password
    1.The Company will grant a user ID and password to each individual whose membership registration has been approved.
    2.Each Member shall responsibly manage his/her user ID and password so that the user ID and password will not be made known to anyone else. Further, in order to prevent theft and unauthorized use, it is strongly recommended that the password is changed periodically.
    3.If a Member forgets his/her user ID or password or suspects that his/her user ID or password was leaked to a third party, the Member shall immediately notify the Company.
    4.If the Company confirms by the prescribed method that an entered user ID and password are the same as those registered by a specific Member, the Company will deem the use as that by that Member, and the Company shall not be liable for any damages caused by that use, even if it is by a person other than that Member as a result of theft or unauthorized use or under any other circumstances.

    Article 6 Correspondence with Company
    Any and all installation costs, usage fees and communication fees for the Internet and other communication devices used for order placement to, purchase and download from, and make inquiries to the Company shall be borne by the Members, regardless of the reason for such expenses.
    Inquiries about the Services shall be made by the method prescribed by the Company. Inquiries will not be accepted at the head office, business offices, distribution centers or stores even if you visit there.
    When you contact, or place an order or make an inquiry to, the Company, you shall contact the prescribed inquiry desk in Japanese by means of the web form via the inquiry guide page or by telephone.
    The Company shall not be liable for any Member’s disadvantage (disadvantage arising to a Member in delivery of products, inventory notice, confirmation of payment method, etc.) caused by a reason attributable to the Member, such as inadequate registration of the Member’s contact information or failure to receive a phone call from the Company due to absence or another call.
    Letters and e-mail messages sent from the Company to Members will be deemed to have reached Members when dispatched or transmitted from the Company.

    Article 7 Restriction on Use
    1.The Company may impose restrictions such as cancellation of ordered products/Services, suspension of the use of Services and/or revocation of membership if, in connection with a Member’s use of the Services:
    (1)an act contrary to these Terms is found to have been performed by the Member.
    (2)the Member does not exist, or performs membership registration or uses the Services while pretending to be a third party.
    (3)the Member has breached these Terms in the past.
    (4)the Member’s registered information contains any false statement, error or omission.
    (5)the Member does not cooperate with identity verification upon the Company’s request.
    (6)the Member cannot be contacted when the Company attempts to contact him/her by telephone, facsimile or e-mail.
    (7)in the case that the Member is a person with limited capacity to act, prior consent on customer registration and use of the Services has not been obtained from the person with the right of consent under the Civil Code, or there is a possibility that such consent has not been obtained.
    (8)the Member dies.
    (9)the Member is trying to make, or made, more than one membership registration.
    (10)the Member is late, or fails, in making payment for products, etc. or the performance of any other obligation under the terms and conditions of transactions prescribed in the Services.
    (11)a credit card provided by the Member as a method of payment for products, etc. cannot be used due to termination of the service contract by the credit card issuing company or for any other reason, or a request for confirmation of use details is received from the credit card company.
    (12)the Member hinders the operation and management or engineering of the Services.
    (13)the Member is found to have performed an act that affected or is likely to have affected, the Company’s business.
    (14)the Member is found to have caused, or be likely to cause, any problem, damages or loss to third parties, including other Members.
    (15)the Member is an anti-social force such as an organized crime group, organized crime group member or any other person comparable to the foregoing.
    (16)the Member is unsuitable as a Member who uses the Services, or the Member’s use of the Services is required to be restricted, according to the judgment of the Company.
    (17)the Company finds a reason comparable to those set forth in the preceding items.

    2.The Company shall not be liable for any damages caused to a Member or a third party as a result of the Company taking the measures prescribed in Paragraph 1 above.

    Article 8 Restriction on Sales
    Of the products handled by the Company, products indicated or designated as “R-18” or “For Adults” will not be sold to Members under the age of 18. The determination of age shall be made on the basis of the time of the relevant order or application for purchase. The Company shall not be liable for any disadvantage caused to a Member by misrepresentation of age, occupation, name, etc. Members of legal age may purchase products for adults but shall manage them at their own responsibility so that age-restricted products will not be viewed by minors.

    Article 9 Payment Method
    1.In the case of use of the mail order service
    When paying for products ordered through the mail order service, Members may choose “cash payment at the time of receipt of products by cash on delivery,” “payment by credit card,” “deferred payment service provided by SCORE Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “Deferred Payment Service)” or “payment by Toracoin.” The payment method may be limited depending on the means of order placement or the products ordered. Each payment method is subject to credit examination by the payment service provider, and depending on the result of the examination, you may not be able to use the payment method of your choice. The Company shall not be liable for any damages caused to a Member due to unavailability of the payment method chosen by the Member as a result of the credit examination or cancellation of the relevant transaction due to failure to decide the method of payment for products by the time of shipment of the products.
    < Treatment in the case that the payment method chosen is unavailable as a result of the examination>

    ・In the case of a credit card
    In the case that there is a problem with a payment, the payment method will be changed to the second payment method chosen in advance by the Member at the time of order placement.
    In the case that cash on delivery is desired as the second payment method by the Member, products will be dispatched on a cash-on-delivery basis instead. In such case, the COD charges incurred shall be borne by the Member.
    Any order from a Member who does not desire cash on delivery as the second payment method in the case that payment by credit card is unavailable shall be deemed to have been cancelled.

    ・In the case of the deferred payment service
    In the case that there is a problem with a payment, the payment method will be changed to the second payment method chosen in advance by the Member at the time of order placement.
    In the case that cash on delivery is desired as the second payment method by the Member, products will be dispatched on a cash-on-delivery basis instead. In such case, the COD charges incurred shall be borne by the Member. In the case that payment by credit card is desired as the second payment method by the Member, products will be dispatched on a credit card payment basis instead. Any order from a Member who desires credit card payment as the second payment method and does not desire in advance cash on delivery as an alternative method in the case that there is a problem with payment by credit card shall be deemed to have been cancelled.

    ・In the case of payment by Toracoin
    In the case that there is a problem with a payment, the payment method will be changed to the second payment method chosen in advance by the Member at the time of order placement.
    In the case that cash on delivery is desired as the second payment method by the Member, products will be dispatched on a cash-on-delivery basis instead. In such case, the COD charges incurred shall be borne by the Member.
    In the case that payment by credit card is desired as the second payment method by the Member, products will be dispatched on a credit card payment basis instead. Any order from a Member who desires credit card payment as the second payment method and does not desire in advance cash on delivery as an alternative method in the case that there is a problem with payment by credit card shall be deemed to have been cancelled.

    2.Payment by credit card
    In the case of payment by credit card at the time of use of the Services, a credit card in the name of the Member who places the order and purchases the Services must be used. In the case that any use, whether willful or negligent, of the Services by a credit card not in the name of the relevant Member is found, any and all damages caused to the Company, including, but not limited to, claims for damages to the Company from a credit card company, credit payment agency, holder of the credit card, service providers and other third parties, as well as reasonable attorneys’ fees shall be compensated by the Member who used the credit card. A credit card in the name of a Member’s family member or a person in the same household shall be deemed to be a “credit card not in the name of the Member.”

    3. Payment in the case of the purchase of several products
    You may not use more than one payment method for a single order or change the payment method that you have selected. Likewise, you may not make installment payments for a single order or consolidate payments for several orders.

    4.Timing of payment by credit card
    In the case that payment by credit card is chosen as the payment method by a Member at the time of order placement or purchase, payment will be made when the products ordered are ready for shipment after they arrive at the Company and are collected as the products for the Member’s order or purchase. In the case that the payment method is changed to cash on delivery as a result of failure in payment by credit card, Article 9, Paragraph 5 shall apply.

    5.Timing of payment by cash on delivery
    In the case that cash on delivery is chosen as the payment method by a Member at the time of order placement or purchase, payment will be made when the products ordered/purchased by the Member are received at the address registered thereby after shipment of them by the Company.

    6.Timing of payment by deferred payment service
    In the case that deferred payment service is chosen as the payment method by a Member at the time of order placement or purchase, an invoice will be separately sent by post to the Member’s registered address from SCORE Co., Ltd., a deferred payment settlement operator, when the products ordered/purchased by the Member are shipped from the Company. The Member shall make the payment at a financial institution or convenience store specified in the invoice of SCORE, Co., Ltd. In the case that the payment method is changed to cash on delivery as a result of failure in deferred payment, Article 9, Paragraph 5 shall apply.

    7.Payment by Toracoin
    ・Users may purchase paid Toracoins by credit card payment or any other method prescribed by the Company and use them at the rate of one (1) yen per Toracoin for the purchase of products or payment for Services prescribed by the Company.
    ・If a user participates in various campaigns in the Services or performs any other act separately designated by the Company, the user may obtain free Toracoins in accordance with the terms and conditions prescribed by the Company and use them at the rate of one (1) yen per Toracoin for the purchase of products or payment for Services prescribed by the Company. provided, however, that the scope of use of free Toracoins is different from that of paid Toracoins and is limited to a certain scope prescribed by the Company.
    ・Users may not use Toracoins (collectively refers to both paid Toracoins and free Toracoins. hereinafter in this Article, the same shall apply) other than for the purchase of products or payment for Services prescribed by the Company. Toracoins are non-refundable except as required by law.
    ・A user may use paid Toracoins only during the period of 180 days from the date of issuance thereof. A user may use free Toracoins only during the period of 180 days from the date of acquisition thereof or during the number of days separately prescribed by the Company before the grant thereof. Unused Toracoins will, upon expiration, become void and thereafter be unusable. The expiration date of Toracoins, including those returned to users from the Company due to cancellations, etc., shall be calculated from the date of the initial acquisition thereof by the relevant user in all cases.
    ・The maximum number of paid Toracoins a user may hold is 500,000. When paid Toracoins are used by a user, they will be used in order of the date of issue. In the case that the total number of paid Toracoins held by a user after the grant of new paid Toracoins exceeds the upper limit, paid Toracoins will become void in order of the date of issue and new paid Toracoins will be granted.
    ・There is no limit to the number of free Toracoins that may be held by a user. When a user uses free Toracoins, they are used in order of expiration date.
    ・If your user registration is deleted for any specific Services of the Company for whatever reason, you may no longer use Toracoins in those Services.

    8.Timing of payment by Toracoin
    In the case that payment by Toracoin is chosen as the payment method by a Member at the time of order placement or purchase, payment for products will be made when the ordering procedure is finalized. and payment of delivery charges for the delivery method chosen at the time of order placement will be made when the products ordered are ready for shipment after they arrive at the Company and are collected as the products for the Member’s order or purchase. In the case that the payment method is changed to cash on delivery as a result of failure in payment by Toracoin, Article 9, Paragraph 5 shall apply.

    Article 10 Precautions Regarding the Mail Order Service
    (1)Means of ordering
    When using the Company’s mail order service, Members shall place orders using the shopping cart on the Site. When placing an order, a Member shall exactly describe/enter the data of the desired products to convey it to the Company. An order shall become effective when the intent to place an order reaches the Company.

    (2)Orders from outside Japan
    The mail order service may be used only in Japan. The Company cannot accept orders from outside Japan nor ship outside Japan.

    (3)Changes to orders
    With regard to order information sent by a Member or a mail order service order that has already reached the Company, any change (product type, quantity, contact information, delivery schedule, payment method, etc.) or addition of products cannot be accepted even before the products are shipped, unless specifically approved by the Company.

    2.Timing of contract formation and products out of stock
    Notwithstanding the provision of Paragraph 1 (1) of this Article 10, a purchase and sale contract with a Member shall be formed at the time of completion of order processing in the Company after confirmation of the details of an order and check of the stock, etc. upon the Company’s receipt of an order from the Member.
    All products handled by the mail order service at the Company may be out of stock. Products stated as “in stock” may also be out of stock before order processing is completed after transmission of an order, in which case the order for the out-of-stock products will be deemed to have been cancelled and, in the case of an order for more than one type of product, only products in stock will be shipped.
    The delivery slip (or out-of-stock statement) enclosed with products will state that the relevant products are out of stock, and the Company will not charge the Member for the out-of-stock products.
    Please note that the Company cannot guarantee future availability of products even if it responds to a Member’s stock inquiry since stock status varies over time and by season.

    3.Receipt of products
    (1)Receipt of products
    Members shall receive products ordered through the mail order service and shipped from the Company at their responsibility. In the case that products are returned to the Company due to the absence of a Member, inadequate registration of address information, etc., it will be deemed a termination of the contract at the Member’s discretion, except in the following case: Orders for which payment has been completed in advance at the time the Company arranges the product shipment.
    For orders meeting the above condition, the Company shall inform the Member of the return of products by the prescribed method (such as email). Upon confirming the Member’s instructions for reshipment and consent to payment of fees, the Company will proceed with reshipment.
    In the case of returns at a Member’s discretion, the Company will suspend use by the Member and revoke his/her membership in accordance with Article 12, Paragraph 2 of these Terms.
    In the case that delivery to the designated place of delivery is impossible due to a Member declining to receive the ordered products, etc. or under any other circumstances on the part of a Member, the Company will keep the products, etc. for up to 7 days from the date of notice by the Company but may separately charge storage fees.
    Since the Company cannot hold products for a long time, in the case that a Member cannot be contacted even after the storage period prescribed by the Company (7 days from the date of notice by the Company) has passed, the contract with the Member will be deemed to have been terminated at the Member’s discretion.
    In the case that a Member fails to receive products within such period, the Company will deem the relevant order as having been cancelled and may charge an amount equivalent to the price for the products as a penalty.

    (2)Delivery charges
    When purchasing products ordered through the mail order service, a Member shall bear the delivery charges and delivery related fees prescribed by the Company in addition to the price for the products. For the details of charges, please refer to Toranoana Website User’s Guide. In addition, delivery charges and delivery related fees arising as a result of the reshipment prescribed in (1) above as well as any expenses already borne by the Company in the case of termination or deemed termination of a purchase and sale contract at a Member’s discretion (including expenses for delivery/transportation of products, communication expenses and research expenses) shall be borne by the Member.

    (3)Delivery method
    Products ordered through the mail order service by a Member will be delivered only by the delivery methods that can be chosen at the time of order placement.
    The Company cannot accept your request for delivery by a method that cannot be chosen at the time of order placement.
    In principle, the delivery method cannot be changed after an order is placed.

    4.Order cancellation and returns
    Orders cannot be cancelled after they are placed. When placing an order, please consider your order carefully and fully check all details in advance.

    (2)Customer’s inspection obligations and returns/exchanges
    A Member who purchased products through the Company’s mail order service shall promptly inspect the products delivered by the Company for any quantity shortage, wrong merchandise, damages, defacement, etc. (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Defects”) and, in the case any Defect is found in the products delivered, the Member shall notify the Company of such fact within 7 days from the date of receipt of the products and, in the case that the Member fails to give such notice to the Company within 7 days from the date of receipt of the products, the Company will consider that the Member received the products as ordered and that the delivered products do not have any Defects.
    Return/exchange of products is acceptable only if:
    ・the products have any Defect
    ・products different from those ordered are delivered.
    ・products are damaged during delivery (excluding deliveries to mailboxes).

    However, even in the case of any of the above, the Company may turn down a Member’s request for return/exchange of products if:
    ・the delivery slip has been lost.
    ・the product tags or labels have been detached and lost.
    ・the products (including, but not limited to, box and accessories for the products) upon return are damaged, defaced, lost or otherwise adversely changed, compared to at the time of delivery.
    ・the products have been contaminated with an odor, or have been defaced or damaged, while in the possession of the Member.
    ・the package of a product that forms part of the product was opened.
    ・the products are clothes, adult toys or other sanitary items, lucky bags, sale items, made-to-order items or pre-ordered items.
    ・the products were purchased somewhere other than on the Site.
    ・8 days or more has passed since receipt of the products.
    ・the products were purchased, using delivery to mailbox, Nekopos or any other delivery method specified by the relevant delivery company not covered by compensation even in the case of damage or loss.
    ・the products were specified as non-returnable/non-exchangeable on the Site.

    If none of the above is applicable, please send the products to the address designated by the Company. Replacement products or additional items will be shipped after the Defect in the products is checked at the Company.
    However, in the case that it is difficult to deliver replacement products or additional items, the Company may, at its discretion, terminate the purchase and sale transaction and refund the cost of the products.

    (3)In the case that a Member makes a request to return or exchange products delivered by the Company more than one time for whatever reason, the Company may, considering that the Services/products provided by the Company cannot satisfy that Member’s acceptance criteria, terminate the purchase and sale contract for the products and refrain from accepting any further business from that Member. The Company shall not be liable for any damage caused to a Member by these measures.

    5.Restriction on order placement, purchase, etc.
    (1)Restriction on pre-orders, etc.
    In principle, the Company cannot lay aside products, get stock from a store, manufacturer, circle or other producer or production group, or place an order on your behalf. provided, however, that pre-orders will be accepted only for certain products handled in the mail order service (catalogues, comics, books, novelties, etc.) with respect to which the Company has made an announcement to the effect of accepting pre-orders, and specifically designating the applicable products and period.

    (2)Limitation of sales quantity
    For coterie magazines, coterie products, coterie software sold through the mail order service, the Company limits the number of items sold, including past orders, to an accumulated total of 5 items per product. If an order includes items in excess of that number, the entire order including the number over 5 items will be voided, including the other products.
    However, the Company may decide to limit the number of items to be purchased to less than 5 items for products that arrive in especially small quantity.
    Even if the names of the orderers are different, the Company may limit the quantity of sales to any orderer who is a Member’s family member or a Member whose address is the same as any other Member, or is deemed by the Company to be a company or other organization aiming at mass purchase for resale. These limitations will not apply to some sale items.

    Article 11 Prohibited Acts
    The following acts (hereafter referred to as “Prohibited Acts”) are prohibited. In the case any of the Prohibited Acts is found to have been performed in a Member’s use of the Services, the Company will revoke his/her membership and/or take other measures deemed necessary by the Company.
    The Company shall not be liable for any damage caused to a Member as a result of his/her act corresponding to any of the Prohibited Acts set forth below. Any Member having performed any of the Prohibited Acts shall have the duty to compensate the Company for any damage caused by such breach.
    Such Member shall have such duty even if his/her membership is already invalid.

    1.Act in breach of these Terms or terms of use
    2.Infringement of a copyright, trademark right or any other intellectual property right of the Company or a third party, or an act that may lead to such infringement
    3.Entry of any false information (including, but not limited to, an act of using the Services while pretending to be another Member)
    4.Lending or transfer of a user ID and password to a third party
    5.Sharing a user ID and password with a third party
    6.Disguising data unrelated to the Site to appear if it had been sent from the Site
    7.Use of a fictitious name, another person’s name or a false title, use of a fictitious company name, use of the name of a company or organization that you are not authorized to represent, or pretending to have a relationship, affiliation or collaboration with any other person or organization
    8.Interfering with the operation, etc. of the Site’s server by putting a significant burden on the server (including, but not limited to, hacking)
    9.Acts comparable to those set forth in the foregoing items

    Article 12 Termination of Membership Registration
    1.Termination of Membership Registration
    Any Member who wishes to terminate his/her membership registration shall notify the Company in accordance with the prescribed procedures, but even if his/her membership is terminated, the Company will not cancel any orders already placed or refund the cost of products already paid for by the Member.
    All Toranoana Point Service points held by a Member will become void upon termination of his/her membership registration.
    A Member can no longer re-download any and all products purchased by downloading after his/her membership registration is terminated. (Payments made for such purchases are also nonrefundable.)

    2.Suspension of Use by Member and Revocation of Membership
    The Company may suspend the use of the Services by a Member or revoke the membership of a Member if it deems that any of the following items is applicable to the Member. The Company shall not be liable for any damage caused to the Member or a third party by such measures.

    (1)Where the Member performs an act in breach of a law or regulation or these Terms
    (2)Where the Member performs any of the Prohibited Acts prescribed in Article 12 of the Terms of Membership for the Mail Order Service and Download Sales Service
    (3)Where the Member performs an improper act in connection with the use of the Services
    (4)Where any damage is caused to the Company by the Member’s act (whether negligent or not), or there is sufficient reason to believe that any damage is likely to be caused to the Company by the Member’s act
    (5)Where the Company deems it impossible to continue transactions with the Member in the case where there have been several order cancellations, returns or exchanges of products, cancellation of contract, etc. at the Member’s discretion in transactions with the Member during a certain period
    (6)Where it is necessary to ensure the Member’s security, for example, in the case that an incorrect password is entered more than a certain number of times
    (7)Where the Member’s whereabouts have become unknown
    (8)Where the Member fails to make payment to the Company
    (9)Where the Member’s credit standing is deemed to have significantly deteriorated (including, but not limited to, the case where the Member receives an order of attachment, provisional attachment, provisional disposition, compulsory execution, public auction, disposition for failure to pay taxes or public dues, etc. or where a petition for commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, civil rehabilitation proceedings, etc. is filed by, or with respect to, the Member)
    (10)Where the Member is a member of anti-social forces or provides any benefit to anti-social forces
    (11)Where the Company otherwise deems it appropriate to suspend the Member’s use of the Services or revoke his/her membership

    Article 13 Handling of Members’ Information
    1.The Company may use Members’ information for the purpose of providing the Services for Members, improving the Services and promoting the use of the Services and for any other purpose similar to the foregoing under the Personal Information Protection Policy separately prescribed by the Company. For details on the Members’ information that may be so used by the Company and the purposes of use, please refer to the Personal Information Protection Policy.
    2.The Company strictly manages personal information disclosed by Members in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Act and other laws and regulations as well as the Personal Information Protection Policy prescribed by the Company but may disclose Members’ information and other personal information without prior consent of Members if:
    (1)any response, report, notification, application, etc. is required to be made to a public agency, court or other public organization on the basis of legal grounds.
    (2)it is deemed necessary by the Company to protect any right, interest, honor, etc. of the Company, users of the Services or providers of the Services.
    (3)operations are carried out in collaboration with a partner company of the Company (In this case, the Company shall also require the partner company to properly manage the personal information.).
    (4)it is otherwise permitted by law.
    3.The Company may provide information through e-mail newsletter or by other means (including advertisements) for Members who desire to receive information. For Members who do not wish to receive information, the Company shall discontinue the provision of information if so notified to the Company by the prescribed method. However, the provision of information necessary for the operation of the Services cannot be stopped at the request of any Member.
    4.Though the Company delivers e-mail messages to e-mail addresses registered by Members only for its sales activities in accordance with the above rules, delivery of unwanted e-mail messages may be stopped except for certain important messages (such as notice of change in specifications of ordered products, messages regarding procedures in the case of stockout, delay, etc., responses to inquiries and other important notices from the Company). If you wish to stop receiving e-mail messages, please contact the Company using the inquiry form ( For information about procedures for disclosure, correction or suspension of the use of personal information, please refer to Schedule 3.

    Article 14 Change, Suspension, Stop, etc. of Services
    The Company may suspend or stop the provision of all or part of the Services without prior notice when it carries out scheduled or emergency system maintenance in order to constantly provide Services in good condition, when the system becomes overloaded, when it becomes necessary to ensure the security of Members, or when it determines that it is otherwise necessary. The Company shall not be liable for any damages caused to Members in such case.
    Also, in the case that a force majeure such as an act of God, human-made disaster or any other disaster makes it impossible to provide the Services including, but not limited to, the case where the delivery, etc. of products becomes impossible, the Company shall not be liable for any resulting damages to Members or third parties.

    Article 15 Amendment of These Terms
    The Company may amend these Terms at its discretion without Members’ consent, and the Company will announce the details of such amendment by promptly posting the amended terms on its website.
    The amended terms shall apply from the time the new terms are posted, and if a Member continues to use the Services or does not perform the procedure for terminating his/her membership registration prescribed by the Company after the announcement of the new terms, the Member will be deemed to have agreed to the amendment of these Terms and shall comply with the amended terms.
    The Company shall not be liable for any disadvantage caused to Members by amendment of these Terms.
    Article 16 Governing Law and Official Text
    See Article 13 of the TORANOANA WEB SITE Terms of Use.

    Article 17 Governing Law and Jurisdiction
    See Article 14 of the TORANOANA WEB SITE Terms of Use.
    Terms of TORANOANA Mail Order Points
    Toranoana Inc. (hereafter referred to as the “Company”) will provide users who have completed the registration procedures on the Internet mail order site (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”) in accordance with the prescribed procedures (hereinafter such users being referred to as “Members”) with point services for the granting of TORANOANA mail order points (hereinafter referred to as “Points”) in accordance with the terms of TORANOANA Mail Order Points (hereinafter such services being referred to as the “Services” and such terms as these “Terms”).
    If a Member continues to use the Services, that Member will be deemed to have agreed to these Terms. So, please read these Terms carefully and agree to these Terms before using the Services.
    These Terms constitute part of the Terms of Use for TORANOANA Mail Order Members. Items not prescribed herein shall be governed by the Terms of Use of TORANOANA Mail Order Service and terms related to the Site, service rules, etc. separately prescribed by the Company.
    Awarding of Points
    1. The Points will be awarded in accordance with the number of points to be awarded or awarding rate prescribed for each item traded when a Member purchases products sold on the Site only if the purchase and sale transaction satisfies the conditions of awarding prescribed by the Company.
    2. The Company may determine all the terms and conditions related to the awarding of the Points, number of Points to be awarded, awarding rate, timing of awarding, lapse of the Points and the timing thereof, etc., and Members shall follow the decision of the Company.
    3. The Points awarded does not include consumption tax, shipping charges, cash on delivery fees and other handling charges are not included.
    4. If, after receiving the Points with respect to the purchase of products by means of the Services, a Member cancels the transaction or returns the products purchased in the transaction, the Points awarded with respect to the transaction will be retroactively extinguished.
    Use of Points
    1. The Points awarded to Members may be exchanged for gifts such as products or the Services prescribed in the point exchange service program within the Site.

    2. In the point exchange services prescribed by the Company, Members may use the Points by such method, subject to such limit, and until such expiration date, as prescribed by the Company.

    3. Any Member who uses the Points is required to enter his/her user ID and password. If the Company confirms by the method prescribed thereby that the information entered at the time of use matches that registered by a Member, the Company will deem the use as being by that Member.

    4. Even in the case that unauthorized use by a third party occurs or is highly likely to have occurred, the Company will deem the use as that by a Member and will not restore the Member’s points used without authorization if it confirms by the method prescribed thereby that the user ID and password transmitted to the Company match those registered by the Member in advance, and the Company shall not be liable for any disadvantage or damages caused to the Member in connection with such treatment.

    5. Gifts received in exchange for Points cannot be cancelled or returned at the Member’s discretion.

    6. The Company and the Site have the right to set the minimum and maximum numbers of the Points that can be used at a time and/or limits on use. Such limits may be changed or added without prior notice, but, in any such case, Members shall follow the decision of the Company and the Site.

    7. The Points cannot be used at stores operated by the Company.
    Expiration Date and Invalidation of Points
    1. The Points are valid for one year from the date they are awarded.
    2. Points will expire after the expiration date.
    3. Neither the Company nor the Site shall be liable to provide compensation for any disadvantage or damages caused to a Member by invalidation of the Points.
    Processing for Cancellation (Invalidation) of Points
    1. In the case of cancellation, return of products or termination of a contract with respect to a transaction that has given rise to the awarding of the Points, the Points in the Member’s account equivalent in number to those granted by that transaction may be invalidated retroactively.
    2. In the case that any Member’s illegal or improper act, breach of these Terms, Terms of Use for TORANOANA Mail Order Members or other terms, service rules, etc. separately prescribed by the Company or any other Member’s act for which the Company deems it appropriate to invalidate the awarding of the Points is found, the Company and the Site may retroactively invalidate the corresponding number of Points in the Member’s account.
    3. Neither the Company nor the Site will provide compensation or be liable for any disadvantage or damages caused to a Member by invalidation of the Points.
    Notice about Points
    Members shall agree to receive the Points or related information, including, but not limited to, the balance of the Points, expiration date of the Points and campaigns or important notices related to the Points, from the Company and the Site by electronic means (e-mail or posting on the Site).
    1. The Points cannot be exchanged for cash.
    2. The Points cannot be used at stores operated by the Company.
    3. The Points cannot be combined with the points on a TORANOANA point card.
    4. It is strictly prohibited to lend, change the name of, purchase or sell, collateralize, resell or otherwise transfer or dispose of the Points.
    5. The Points shall be used only by the relevant Member and cannot be used by any party other than the Member.
    6. Even if a Member has more than one account, that Member cannot use the Points in one account together with those in any other account.
    7. In the case that any Member’s illegal or improper act, breach of these Terms, terms of use or other terms, rules, etc. or other act that gives rise to doubt about the legitimate use of the Points is found, the Company and the Site may stop, defer or cancel the use of the Points and transactions using the Points. In such case, the Member shall follow the decision of the Company and the Site without objection.
    8. The Points can be used in accordance with the terms and methods prescribed by the Company and the Site, including these Terms. Any use of the Points by a method that is contrary to the purpose or terms of the Services is prohibited.
    Disclaimer, etc.
    1. The Company and the Site may change, discontinue or terminate these Terms and the Services without prior notice, and Member shall follow such decision without objection. The Company shall not be liable for any disadvantage or damages caused to Members by such change, etc.
    2. Neither the Company nor the Site shall be liable for any damage caused to Members even in the case of failure in the provision of the Services due to a problem in the communication environment or computer server or any other failure in the operation of the Services unless the Company is significantly at fault for that failure.
    3. In the case a Member withdraws from the membership or is disqualified as a Member, unused Points will become invalid at the same time as such withdrawal or disqualification as a Member. Even if a person is registered as a Member again after withdrawal or disqualification as a Member, the points that were invalidated at the time of disqualification as a Member will not be restored.
    Amendment of Terms
    1. The Company may, at its discretion, amend these Terms, the Services and/or terms and conditions of awarding/use of the Points without prior notice to Members.
    2. Members agree in advance that the Company may terminate the Points and the Services at its discretion and shall not make an objection to such action.
    3. When amending these Terms, the Company shall post the amended Terms on its website, and these amended Terms shall take effect when posted on its website.
    4. The Company shall not be liable for any disadvantage or damages caused to Members by amendment to these Terms or termination of the Services under Paragraphs 1 through 3 above.
    Governing Law and Agreed Court of Jurisdiction
    Members agree that all transactions under these Terms and all disputes related thereto will be construed in accordance with the laws of Japan and that the Tokyo District Court is the court of exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance over any such dispute.
    Toranoana Inc. November 22, 2007
    Revised on January 28, 2013
    Revised on March 1, 2014
    Revised on April 30, 2015
    Revised on December 8, 2015
    Amended on February 29, 2016
    Amended on August 31, 2016
    Amended on August 13, 2019
    Amended on November 21, 2024

    Terms of Use of Store Point Card Menu on TORANOANA My Page
    Article 1 Members
    The Terms of Use of Store Point Card Menu (hereinafter referred to as “these Terms”) prescribes the rules that point card members who have received a point card from Toranoana Inc. (hereinafter such company being referred to as the “Company” and such members as “Members”) should comply with when using the “store point card menu” services provided by the Company on the website.
    Members may, by registering their member information by the method prescribed by the Company after agreeing to these Terms and the Company’s terms of use, use the Company’s services for Members (service for checking the number of points held on the website and service for displaying pages exclusively for Members hereinafter collectively referred to simply as the “Services”) on such website using a server connected to the Internet and operated by the Company as stated at the end of these Terms (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”). However, depending on the services that will be used, it may be necessary to register additional items separately prescribed by the Company.
    Article 2 Scope of Application
    From the time an applicant applies for membership registration under these Terms, these Terms shall apply.
    These Terms shall apply until the termination of registration is completed, regardless of whether the relevant Member or applicant for membership has used the Services.
    Article 3 Registration and Membership Fees
    Registration and membership fees are not charged. However, all communication costs and other necessary expenses for performing the membership registration procedure and in using the Services shall be borne by the applicants for membership and the Members.
    Article 4 Membership Registration
    An applicant for membership will become a Member if an application for membership registration for the use of the Services is made to the Company by the applicant through the prescribed procedures and is approved by the Company. No applications for membership submitted by an agent will be accepted.
    Members have the duty to register accurate and up-to-date information on the necessary items prescribed by the Company at the time of membership registration and to keep such information accurate, true and up-to-date thereafter. In the event of any change in these registered items, the relevant Member shall promptly perform the procedure to make changes by the method prescribed by the Company.
    The Company shall not be liable for any failure or disadvantage caused to any Member as a result of failure to perform the procedures prescribed in Paragraph 2 above.
    An application for membership registration may be rejected at the discretion of the Company if it is made by a person whose membership was revoked in accordance with the Company’s rules in the past or contains any false statement, error or omission.
    Further, membership may be revoked at the discretion of the Company if any of the facts referred to in the above is found after completion of registration.
    Article 5 Use of Store Point Card Menu
    Members may use the following services by registering member information on the store point card menu.
    1. Check of the balance of point card points
    2. Identity verification in the case a Member desires that his/her point card be reissued due to loss, etc.
    3. Use of pages exclusively for Members
    4. Receipt of product information from the Company
    5. Other services prescribed by the Company
    Article 6 Use of the Mail Order Service
    Any Member who wishes to use the Company’s mail order service by using his/her member ID for the Services is required to agree to the TORANOANA WEB SITE Terms of Use, Terms of Use of the Mail Order Service on TORANOANA Download Store, Terms for TORANOANA Download Store Mail Order Members and the Terms of Use of File Distribution separately prescribed by the Company and then complete registration as a mail order service member in accordance with the procedures prescribed by the Company.
    Any information additionally registered by a Member for registration as a mail order service member will be kept as membership registration information both for the “Store Point Card Menu” and “Mail Order Service” and may be used for the Company’s provision of the Services for the Member, improvement of the Services, promotion of the use of the Services and other purposes comparable to the foregoing.
    Any Member who has already completed the membership registration for the mail order service and has a mail order service member account can use his/her registration information as a point card member when using the mail order service by making the prescribed procedures.
    Article 7 Management of User ID and Password
    The Company will grant a user ID and password to each individual for whom issuance and registration of a point card has been approved.
    Each Member shall responsibly manage his/her user ID and password so that the user ID and password will not be made known to anyone else. Further, with a view to preventing theft and unauthorized use, the Company recommends that passwords are periodically changed.
    If a Member forgets his/her user ID or password or suspects that his/her user ID or password has leaked to a third party, the Member shall immediately notify the Company.
    If the Company confirms by the prescribed method that an entered user ID and password are the same as those registered, the Company will deem the use as that by a Member, and the Company shall not be liable for any damages caused by that use, even if it is by a person other than that Member as a result of theft or unauthorized use or under any other circumstances.
    Article 8 Correspondence with Company
    Any and all installation costs and usage fees and communication fees for the Internet and other communication devices used for inquiry, etc. to the Company shall be borne by Members, regardless of the reason for such expenses.
    When you contact or make an inquiry to the Company, you shall contact the prescribed inquiry desk in Japanese by means of the web form via the inquiry guide page or by telephone.
    The Company shall not be liable for any Member’s disadvantage caused by a reason attributable to the Member such as inadequate registration of the Member’s contact information.
    Letters and e-mail messages sent from the Company to Members will be deemed to have reached Members when dispatched or transmitted from the Company.
    Article 9 Restriction on Use
    The Company may impose restrictions such as suspension of the use of Services and/or revocation of the membership of any Member who has performed an act that is contrary to any provision of the Company, affects the Company’s business or causes a problem to any other Member or is otherwise deemed unsuitable by the Company, in the use of the Services by the Member.
    Article 10 Prohibited Acts
    The following acts (hereafter referred to as “Prohibited Acts”) are prohibited. Should any of the Prohibited Acts be found to have been performed, the Company will revoke the membership of the relevant Member and take any other measures deemed necessary.
    The Company shall not be liable for any damages caused to a Member as a result of his/her act corresponding to any of the Prohibited Acts set forth below.
    Any Member having performed any of the Prohibited Acts shall have the duty to compensate the Company for any damages caused by such breach.
    Such Member shall have such duty even if his/her membership is already invalid.
    • Act in breach of these Terms or terms of use
    • Infringement of a copyright, trademark right or any other intellectual property right of the Company or a third party, or an act that may lead to such infringement
    • Entry of any false information (including , but not limited to, an act of using the Services while pretending to be any other Member)
    • Lending or transfer of a user ID and password to a third party
    • Sharing a user ID and password with a third party
    • Disguising data unrelated to the Site to appear if it had been sent from the Site
    • Use of a fictitious name, another person’s name or a false title, use of a fictitious company name, use of the name of a company or organization that you are not authorized to represent, or pretending to have a relationship, affiliation or collaboration with any other person or organization
    • Interfering with the operation, etc. of the Site’s server by putting a significant burden on the server (including, but not limited to, hacking)
    • Causing damages to the Company, any other Member or a third party by infringing on any right thereof
    • Acts comparable to those set forth in the foregoing items
    Article 11 Termination of Membership Registration, Suspension of Use and Revocation of Membership
    • Any Member who wishes to terminate his/her membership registration shall notify the Company in accordance with the prescribed procedures, and the Company will, after confirmation of the receipt of such notification, terminate his/her membership registration. All Toranoana Point Service points held by a Member will become void upon termination of his/her membership registration.
    • The Company may suspend the use of the Services by a Member or revoke the membership of a Member if it deems that any of the following items is applicable to the Member. The Company shall not be liable for any damages caused to the Member or a third party by such measures.
    • (1) Where the Member performs an act in breach of a law or regulation or these Terms
      (2) Where the Member performs any of the Prohibited Acts prescribed in Article 12 of the Terms of Membership for the Mail Order Service and Download Sales Service
      (3) Where the Member performs an improper act in connection with the use of the Services
      (4) Where it is necessary to ensure the Member’s security, for example, in the case that an incorrect password is entered more than a certain number of times
      (5) Where the Member’s whereabouts have become unknown
      (6) Where the Member fails to make payment to the Company
      (7) Where the Member’s credit standing is deemed to have significantly deteriorated (including, but not limited to, the case where the Member receives an order of attachment, provisional attachment, provisional disposition, compulsory execution, public auction, disposition for failure to pay taxes or public dues, etc. or where a petition for commencement of bankruptcy proceedings, civil rehabilitation proceedings, etc. is filed by, or with respect to, the Member)
      (8) Where the Member is a member of anti-social forces or provides any benefit to anti-social forces
      (9) Where the Company otherwise deems it appropriate to suspend the Member’s use of the Services or revoke his/her membership
    Article 12 Handling of Members’ Information
    • The Company will manage Members’ information in accordance with the Personal Information Protection Policy separately prescribed by the Company.
    • The Company may use Members’ information for the purpose of providing the Services for Members, improving the Services and promoting the use of the Services and for any other purposes similar to the foregoing. Members’ information that may be used by the Company shall be user ID, name (including phonetic characters to show pronunciation), address, phone number, e-mail address, date of birth, gender, transaction history and other information.
    • The Company may disclose Members’ information and other personal information without prior consent of Members if:
      (1) any response, report, notification, application, etc. is required to be made to a public agency, court or other public organization on the basis of legal grounds.
      (2) deemed necessary by the Company to protect any right, interest, honor, etc. of the Company, users of the Services or providers of the Services.
      (3) operations are carried out in collaboration with a partner company of the Company (In this case, the Company shall also require the partner company to properly manage the personal information.) or
      (4) it is otherwise permitted by law.
    • The Company may provide information through e-mail newsletter or by other means (including advertisements) for Members who desire to receive information. For Members who do not wish to receive information, the Company shall discontinue to provide information if so notified to the Company by the prescribed method. provided, however, that the provision of information necessary for the operation of the Services cannot be stopped at the request of any Member.
    • Though the Company delivers e-mail messages to e-mail addresses registered by Members only for its sales activities in accordance with the above rules, delivery of unwanted e-mail messages may be stopped except for certain important messages (such as responses to inquiries and other important notices from the Company). If you wish to stop receiving e-mail messages, please contact the Company by the inquiry form. For information about procedures for disclosure, correction or suspension of the use of personal information, please refer to Schedule 3.
    Article 13 Change, Suspension, Stop, etc. of Services
    The Company may suspend or stop the provision of all or part of the Services without prior notice when it carries out scheduled or emergency system maintenance in order to constantly provide the Services in good condition, when the system becomes overloaded, when it becomes necessary to ensure the security for Members, or when it determines that it is otherwise necessary.
    The Company shall not be liable for any damages caused to Members in such case. Also, in the case that a force majeure such as an act of God, human-made disaster or any other disaster makes it impossible to provide the Services including, but not limited to, the case where the delivery, etc. of products becomes impossible, the Company shall not be liable for any resulting damages to Members or third parties.
    Article 14 Amendment of These Terms
    The Company may amend these Terms at its discretion without Members’ consent, and the Company will announce the details of amendment by promptly posting them on its website. Upon posting of new terms, the amended terms shall apply, and Members shall comply with the amended terms. The Company shall not be liable for any disadvantage caused to Members by amendment of these Terms.
    Article 15 Contact in Relation to Store Point Card Menu
    Contact: Customer Center of Toranoana Inc.
    Contact address:
    Article 16 Governing Law and Agreed Court of Jurisdiction
    Members agree that all transactions under these Terms and all disputes related thereto will be construed in accordance with the laws of Japan and that the Tokyo District Court is the court of exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance over any such dispute.
    Terms of Use of the Review Function for TORANOANA Mail Order Products
    Toranoana Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) provides for the “Terms of Use of the Review Function for TORANOANA Mail Order Products” (hereinafter referred to as these “Terms”) regarding the conditions for posting and viewing product reviews in the “Mail Order Service Using Shopping Cart” operated by the Company (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”), as follows.
    These Terms apply to all users who post and/or view product reviews on the Site.
    Posting of Product Reviews
    When posting a product review, a user is required to be registered as a TORANOANA mail order service member in advance and log in to the Site.
    A user may also post a review about products purchased somewhere other than on the Site.
    Users’ Responsibility
    1. Users shall represent and warrant to the Company that reviews they post do not infringe on a third party’s copyright or other rights.
    2. Please understand when reading reviews that product reviews are the personal opinions of users. The Company is not responsible for the content of product reviews.
    Publication of product reviews
    • Of the content posted, the review title, body of the review, rating and user’s name (nickname) will be published on the Site. The Company may amend or delete the content posted to the extent that the intent of the content is not changed.
    • The review function cannot be used for coterie works.
    • A posted review may take several business days to be published, or a review that was posted later may be published earlier.
    • Posted reviews will not necessarily be published. No notice of the reason for non-publication will be given.
    • A product review that corresponds to any of the following items may not be published on the Site.
      1. A post that violates, or is likely to violate, a law or regulation or public order and morals
      2. A post that makes third parties feel uncomfortable for a reason that it is obscene, cruel or discriminative
      3. A post whose content is unrelated to any product
      4. Expression that misleads everyone, such as a personal experience or impression or unfounded gossip
      5. Expression that makes other users uncomfortable (such as obscene, violent or cruel expression or discriminative expression)
      6. Writing that is libelous or contrary to public order and morals
      7. Writing that infringes on any other person’s rights (such as copyright, trademark right or portrait right)
      8. Multiple posts of the same content
      9. Writing related to religion or ideas
      10. Private information (such as the e-mail address, phone number or address of a member himself/herself or any other person)
      11. Opinion to a store or support center about customer service or delivery* Opinions can be received via the inquiry form.
      12. Stock related request or resale request
      13. Act that interferes with smooth operation or causes a problem to others
      14. Opinion about the website or the Company’s services
      15. So-called “spoofing” post using any other person’s name
      16. Writing or insertion of URL for the profit of a member or a third party
      17. Advertisements, affiliate writing or other posts for advertising and solicitation purposes
      18. Writing that is deemed inappropriate by the administrator in the operation of reviews.
      19. Posts in a language other than the Japanese language
    1. The copyright to the reviews posted by users in the Services (hereafter referred to as the “Reviews”) shall belong to the respective users.
    2. Users will be deemed to have granted to the Company the right to reproduce, publicly transmit, show, exhibit, distribute, transfer, lend, translate, adapt and/or modify the Reviews (including the Company’s right to sublicense such right to third parties), without charge and for an unlimited time.
    3. Content posted in product reviews may be published on catalogs, brochures, websites, e-mail newsletters and/or other media provided by the Company without individually notifying users. When using the content posted, the Company is not obliged to indicate users’ nicknames.
    4. Users will be deemed to have agreed that they will not exercise their moral rights to the Reviews against the Company or any third party to whom the Company has sublicensed the right to use the Reviews.
    Amendment of These Terms
    The Company may amend these Terms in the event of amendment to a law, regulation, etc., change of economic situation or change of the Services or if the Company otherwise deems it necessary.
    In such case, the Company shall make its intent to amend these Terms and the content of these Terms after amendment known by posting on the Site or other appropriate method, and these Terms after such amendment shall take effect on the effective date of these amended Terms as described above, unless otherwise stated.
    The Company will not respond to posted product reviews.
    Any questions, requests or inquiries requiring response must be made via the dedicated inquiry form.
    Privacy Policy
    f the Company obtains personal information from customers, the Company will, in handling of the personal information, properly manage it in accordance with its Personal Information Protection Policy and handling of personal information.
    Established on June 1, 2022
    Enforced on June 1, 2022
    Toranoana Inc.



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    ■ 虎之穴Web Site 橫幅 ■

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    ■ 虎之穴Web Site 橫幅(大) ■

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    TTORANOANA WEB SITE是由株式會社虎之穴(下稱「本公司」)營運的網站(下稱「本網站」)。
    TORANOANA WEB SITE 使用規約(下稱「本規約」)是針對用戶瀏覽本網站,以及本公司在本網站提供之「通訊交易」及其他本公司提供之一切服務(下稱「本公司服務」)的使用事宜進行規定的使用規約。


    第3條(服務的使用 )




    1. 因通訊線路及電腦等發生障礙,導致系統中斷、延遲、中止、資料消失,因非法存取而發生損害,以及用戶發生其他與本公司服務有關的損害,本公司概不負責。
    2. 從本公司的網站、伺服器、網域等傳送的郵件、內容中,不保證沒有電腦病毒等有害項目。
    3. 本公司會配合情況而對用戶提供資訊及建議,但本公司不負任何責任。
    4. 用戶與第三人之間發生的紛爭,概與本公司無關,本公司不負任何責任。
    5. 用戶因違反本規約、以及其他本公司訂定的規定、規約、條款而發生的損害,本公司概不負責。
    6. 本公司不保證內容的正確性、可用性。
    7. 對於本公司持有、營運之網站發布的連結,本公司不保證其可用性、正確性、安全上的完整性。
    8. 本公司不保證本公司服務可滿足用戶的期望,不保證透過本公司服務所取得之資訊、資料、作品,可滿足用戶的期望。
    9. 本公司不保證本公司提供的資料、作品之中未有缺陷及錯誤等瑕疵,並且不保證會進行修正。
    10. 本公司對於用戶因使用本公司服務所產生之損害,不負任何責任。
    11. 即使因任何原因而由本公司負責時,仍僅賠償用戶所發生直接且現實上的損害。間接損害、特殊損害、未來損害及利益差損相關損害,本公司不負賠償之責。
    12. 用戶因使用本公司服務而對第三人造成損害時,用戶應自行承擔責任與費用予以解決,本公司不負其責。

    1. 違反本規約、使用規約、其他本公司訂定之規定、規約、條款的行為。
    2. 侵害本公司及其他第三人之著作權、商標權等智慧財產權的行為,或與侵害有關的行為。
    3. 對本公司及其他第三人帶來困擾、不利益或損害的行為,或有其可能的行為。
    4. 對本公司及其他第三人提供違反事實之資訊,以及其他違反公序良俗之資訊、或有其可能的資訊。
    5. 犯罪行為、違反公序良俗之行為,以及其他違反法令之行為,或有其可能的行為。
    6. 選舉活動、宗教活動或類似的行為,以及其他與政治及宗教有關的行為。
    7. 非法使用密碼的行為、輸入虛假不實之資訊的行為(包括假冒他人進行存取的行為)。
    8. 將與本網站無關的資料,假冒成從本網站發出的偽冒行為。
    9. 使用虛構的姓名及他人的姓名、假冒的頭銜,或使用虛構的公司名稱,使用不具有其代表權及代理權之公司名稱及組織名稱,或者偽冒與他人及組織有關聯、合作、配合關係的行為。
    10. 對本網站的伺服器造成顯著的負擔,以及其他所有妨害本網站伺服器營運等之行為(包括但不限於駭客等)。
    11. 以轉賣、轉售、以及其他以營利為目的而使用本網站的行為(經本公司特別核准者除外)。
    12. 相當於上述各款之行為、以及本公司判斷為不適當之其他行為。





    虎之穴通訊交易會員(下稱「會員」)是指同意「虎之穴通訊交易會員使用規約(下稱「本規約」)」及TORANOANA WEB SITE使用規約」,以及株式會社虎之穴(下稱「本公司」)的其他各使用規約,並依照規定的方法註冊為會員的個人。 會員可在本公司經營的網站(下稱「本網站」)上,依照本公司訂定的條件,使用本公司的會員服務「使用購物車之通訊交易服務、本網站內提供的其他各種服務(以下統稱時簡稱為「服務」)」。 此外,使用通訊交易服務以外的追加服務時,可能需要登記本公司另行規定的事項。

    1. 希望註冊為會員者從請求註冊開始即適用本規約。會員或希望註冊為會員者,無論是否使用了服務,在解除註冊之前均適用本規約。
    2. 本公司發布在本網站上的本服務相關資訊、規則等(包括但不限於使用指南、商品介紹資訊、告知等),均為本規約的一部分。


    1. 希望註冊者向本公司辦理規定的手續,在使用服務的目的下,由當事人申請註冊會員,經本公司核准後即成為會員。概不允許由代理人註冊。
    2. 會員在註冊會員時應就本公司規定的必要事項,登記正確且最新的資訊,並有義務在之後維持該資訊的正確性、真實性、最新性。另外,此等註冊事項若發生變更,應遵照本公司規定的方法,盡速辦理變更手續。
    3. 若因怠於前項的手續,致使會員發生缺陷、不利益之情事,本公司概不負責。會員事先同意,即使辦理了變更手續,變更登記前已完成手續的交易(訂購、購買、報名抽獎、詢問等行為),仍依照變更登記前的資料進行。
    4. 過去曾因本公司的規定而被取消會員資格者,以及在註冊申請上有虛偽不實的申報、誤植、漏記時,經本公司判斷,可能會拒絕該註冊會員申請。此外,在完成註冊後,若有左列的事實發生(包括有足夠的事由足以認定的情況),可能會經本公司的判斷而取消會員的資格。

    1. 本公司會向已核准註冊會員的個人提供使用者ID及密碼。
    2. 會員本人有責任管理使用者ID及密碼,以防他人知曉。另外強烈建議定期更改密碼,以防止被盗及非法使用。
    3. 會員如果忘記使用者ID、密碼,或使用者ID、密碼可能外流給第三人,應立即通知本公司。
    4. 本公司以規定的方法,確認了輸入的使用者ID及密碼與特定註冊會員的ID及密碼一致時,即視為該會員使用,縱使是因為被盗用、非法使用、其他情事而為該會員以外之人士使用,對於因此所產生之損害,本公司概不負責。

    向本公司訂購、購買、下載、詢問等時所使用的網際網路等通訊設備,其設置費用及使用費用、通訊費用,無論其理由為何,概由會員負擔。 此外,對於服務的詢問事宜應依照本公司規定的方法,恕不接受客戶前往總公司、辦公室、物流中心、門市詢問。




    若是結帳失敗,將會改成會員訂購之前所選擇的第2支付方式。 若希望第2支付方式改成貨到付款,本公司將在發貨前更改為貨到付款。此時所發生的貨到付款手續費應由會員負擔。 關於信用卡結帳失敗時的第2支付方式,若會員在事前即不希望更改為貨到付款結帳,其訂購視為已取消。

    若是結帳失敗,將會改成會員訂購之前已選擇的第2支付方式。 若希望第2支付方式是貨到付款結帳,本公司將在發貨前將支付方式改成貨到付款。此時所發生的貨到付款手續費應由會員負擔。若希望第2支付方式是信用卡,本公司將在發貨前將支付方式改成信用卡。此外,若會員希望第2支付方式是信用卡結帳,且未於事前將信用卡結帳失敗時的變更方法改成貨到付款結帳,其訂購視為已取消。

    若是結帳失敗,將會改成會員訂購之前已選擇的第2支付方式。 若希望第2支付方式是貨到付款結帳,本公司將在發貨前將支付方式改成貨到付款。此時所發生的貨到付款手續費應由會員負擔。 若希望第2支付方式是信用卡,本公司將在發貨前將支付方式改成信用卡。此外,若會員希望第2支付方式是信用卡結帳,且未於事前將信用卡結帳失敗時的變更方法改成貨到付款結帳,其訂購視為已取消。











    不拘於本條前項(1)的規定,本公司在接受會員的訂購後,經確認訂購內容、確認庫存等, 完成本公司內部訂購處理作業的時間點,與會員之間的買賣契約即告成立。


    會員購買通訊交易服務中的訂購商品時,除了商品款項外,另需負擔本公司規定的運費及配送手續費。 詳細手續費請見虎之穴網站使用指南。



    在本公司的通訊交易服務中購買了商品的會員,應立即驗貨,確認本公司交付的商品沒有數量不足、商品錯誤、破損或髒污等情形(以下總稱「瑕疵」),若交付的商品中有瑕疵,會員必須在收受商品日起7日以內,將商品存在瑕疵的情況通知本公司, 若會員自收受商品日起7日以內,未將商品存在瑕疵的情況通知本公司,本公司即視會員已經收到了符合訂單要求且無瑕疵的商品。

    • 商品有瑕疵時
    • 收到了與訂購內容不符的商品時
    • 商品在配送中有破損時(普通郵件不在對象之內)
    • 交貨單遺失時
    • 商品吊牌/標籤已剪斷、遺失時
    • 退回的商品(包括但不限於箱子、商品的附屬品)的狀態和送貨時相較之下,有毀損、污損、遺失等情況時
    • 在會員的保管下而使商品附著了異味、出現髒污及傷痕時
    • 包裝盒為商品之一部分的商品,已開啟了包裝盒時
    • 屬於衣物等/成人玩具等衛生商品、福袋/折扣商品/訂製品/預約商品時
    • 在本網站以外的地方購買時
    • 收受商品後經過8日以上時
    • 購買的商品縱使發生了破損/遺失,但所選擇的配送方法是配送業者不列為賠償對象之方法時,例如普通郵件/信箱投遞等
    • 本網站內明確記載了不可退貨及換貨時
    若不屬於以上的情況,請將商品寄至本公司指定的收件地點,經本公司確認商品的瑕疵狀況後,再寄發替代品或追加的部分。 但如果難以交付替代品或追加的部分時,在本公司的判斷下,可能會解除買賣交易並退回商品款項。











    參照<TORANOANA WEB SITE 使用規約>第13條

    參照<TORANOANA WEB SITE 使用規約>第14條
    虎之穴通訊交易 點數規約
    2.本服務的營運因為通訊環境及電腦/伺服器的缺陷等問題,導致本服務的提供發生障礙時,對於該障礙的發生,只要本公司無重大過失,對於會員所產生之損害,本公司及本網站概不負責。 3.會員退會或喪失會員資格時,未使用的點數在退會或喪失會員資格的同時失效。縱使在退會或喪失會員資格後重新註冊會員,在喪失會員資格時失效的點數也不會恢復。
    2007年11月22日 株式會社虎之穴
    2013年1月28日 修訂
    2014年3月1日 修訂
    2015年4月30日 修訂
    2015年12月8日 修訂
    2016年2月29日 修訂
    2016年8月31日 修訂
    2019年8月13日 修訂
    2024年11月21日 修訂

    虎之穴My Page/ 門市集點卡選單使用規約
    • 希望註冊者向本公司辦理規定的手續,在使用本服務的目的下,由當事人申請註冊會員,經本公司核准後即成為會員。概不允許由代理人註冊。
    • 會員在註冊會員時應就本公司規定的必要事項,登記正確且最新的資訊,並有義務在之後維持該資訊的正確性、真實性、最新性。另外,此等註冊事項若發生變更,應遵照本公司規定的方法,盡速辦理變更手續。
    • 若因怠於前項的手續,致使會員發生缺陷、不利益之情事,本公司概不負責。
    • 過去曾因本公司的規定而被取消會員資格者,以及在註冊申請上有虛偽不實的申報、誤植、漏記時,經本公司判斷,可能會拒絕該註冊會員申請。
    會員希望以本服務的會員ID來使用本公司的通訊交易服務時,請在同意本公司另行訂定的「TORANOANA WEB SITE 使用規約」、「通訊交易、虎之穴下載商店使用規約」、「通訊交易、虎之穴下載商店會員規約」、「檔案傳輸使用規約」後,依照本公司規定的手續,進行通訊交易服務的會員註冊。
    • 本公司會向已核准集點卡發卡及註冊的個人提供使用者ID及密碼。
    • 會員本人有責任管理使用者ID及密碼,以防他人知曉。
    • 如果忘記使用者ID、密碼,或使用者ID、密碼可能外流給第三人,應立即通知本公司。
    • 以規定的方法確認了輸入的使用者ID及密碼與註冊的ID及密碼一致時,即視為會員使用,縱使是因為被盗用、非法使用、其他情事而為會員以外之人士使用,對於因此所產生之損害,本公司概不負責。
    • 向本公司詢問等時所使用的網際網路等通訊設備,其設置費用及使用費用、通訊費用,無論其理由為何,概由會員負擔。
    • 向本公司聯絡、詢問時,應從詢問指南頁面使用郵件表單或以電話,以日語向指定的詢問窗口詢問。
    • 若因會員之通訊資料登載不全等可歸責於會員之事由,致使會員發生不利益之情事,本公司恕不負責。
    • 本公司發送給會員的信件及電子郵件等,在本公司寄送或傳送的時間點,視為聯絡已送達給會員。
    • 違反本規約及使用規約之行為。
    • 侵害本公司、及其他第三人之著作權、商標權等智慧財產權的行為,或與侵害有關的行為。
    • 輸入虛偽不實之資訊的行為(包括但不限於偽冒其他會員使用本服務的行為)。
    • 將使用者ID及密碼出借、轉讓給第三人的行為。
    • 與第三人共用使用者ID及密碼之行為。
    • 將與本網站無關的資料,假冒成從本網站發出的偽冒行為。
    • 使用虛構的姓名及他人的姓名、假冒的頭銜,或使用虛構的公司名稱,使用不具有其代表權及代理權之公司名稱及組織名稱,或者偽冒與他人及組織有關聯、合作、配合關係的行為。
    • 對本網站的伺服器造成顯著的負擔,以及所有妨害本網站伺服器營運等之行為(包括但不限於駭客等)。
    • 侵害、損害本公司、其他會員及其他第三人權利之行為。
    • 相當於上述各款之行為
    • 會員希望解除註冊會員時,應以規定的手續通知本公司,本公司將在確認收到通知後解除註冊會員。另外,會員持有的虎之穴集點服務的點數,將會因為解除註冊會員而全部失效。
    • 經本公司判斷會員符合下列各款時,得停止該會員使用本服務,或取消該會員的會員資格。縱使會員或第三人因此發生損害,本公司亦概不負責。
    • 對於會員資料,本公司依照另行訂定的本公司個人資料保護方針進行管理。
    • 本公司可在對會員提供服務、提升服務內容及促進服務使用的目的下,以及其他相當於此之目的下,使用會員資料。
    • 在下列各款情況下,本公司得不經會員事前的同意,揭露會員資料及其他個人資料。
    • 本公司可向希望收到資訊的會員,以電子報及其他方法提供資訊(包括廣告)。
    • 對於會員所登記的電子信箱,將依照上述的規定,僅用於發送本公司營業活動的郵件,但除了部分重要的郵件(回覆詢問、本公司的重要通知等)外,可停止發送不必要的郵件。
    詢問窗口:株式會社虎之穴 客服中心
    • 本網站將會刊載發布內容中的評論標題、評論本文、評價、用戶姓名(暱稱)。
    • 同人作品不在評論功能的對象內。
    • 發布後的評論可能需要數個工作日才會刊載,也可能會有後發布的評論先刊載的情形。
    • 發布的評論並不一定會刊載。亦不另行通知不刊載的原因。
    • 若商品評論有以下各款的內容,可能不會刊載在本網站上。
      1. 發布的內容違反法令及公序良俗,或有違反之虞者
      2. 發布的內容因相當於淫穢、殘暴、歧視等情況而給第三人帶來不適
      3. 發布的內容與商品無關
      4. 造成他人誤解的表述方式,例如,個人的體驗及感想、毫無根據的傳聞等
      5. 讓其他用戶感到不愉快的表述方式(粗俗、暴力、殘暴的表述方式,歧視性的表述方式等)
      6. 誹謗中傷、違反公序良俗的內容
      7. 侵害他人權利(著作權、商標權、肖像權等)的內容
      8. 一稿多投
      9. 與宗教及思想有關的內容
      10. 個人資料(自己或他人的電子信箱、電話號碼、地址等)
      11. 與門市/支援中心的處理及配送有關的意見 ※意見是以詢問表單的方式受理。
      12. 庫存方面的要求、重新販售的請求
      13. 妨害正常營運或造成他人困擾的行為
      14. 與網站及本公司服務有關的意見
      15. 使用他人的姓名,亦即是「偽冒」的內容
      16. 以自己及第三人的營利為目的的內容及刊載URL
      17. 廣告、聯盟行銷等,以宣傳及招攬為目的的內容
      18. 其他在評論的經營上,經管理人判斷為不適當之內容
      19. 發布的內容使用日語以外語言
    1. 用戶在本服務發布的評論(下稱「本評論」),其著作權歸屬於用戶。
    2. 用戶視同同意本公司有權無償且無期限地複製、公開傳輸、播放、展示、分發、轉讓、出借、翻譯、改編、改變本評論(包括本公司將此等權利再次授權給第三人的權利)。
    3. 發布在商品評論上的內容,可能會不個別通知用戶,逕行刊載於本公司提供的型錄、手冊、網站、電子報及其他媒體上。
    4. 用戶同意不對本公司及本公司再次授權使用的第三人行使本評論的著作人格權。
    2022 年 6月 1日制定
    2022 年 6月 1日施行


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