What Is
"Comic Toranoana" is the first leading doujin shop opened in Akihabara Tokyo in 1994 that mainly deals with "Doujinshi" in the industry. Reknowned as the first pioneer in the domestic doujin mail order service, and the world's biggest otaku shop.
There are over 100,000 circles of creators registered in Toranoana. In particular, the number of works for women is top-class in the industry, and more than 50,000 works are always available. Toranoana deals with the numerous works of many creators, so you could find works that you can not find anywhere else.
Toranoana has directly managed stores in major cities such as Tokyo and Osaka, and also has Taipei stores overseas. In addition, an e-commerce site (https://ecs.toranoana.jp/) has also been developed, which deals with CDs, DVDs, Blu-rays, Hobbies, Games, etc. in addition to doujinshi. Many overseas customers shop using the purchase service.
Toranoana also invests in and produces animated works. In 2018, the doujin anime "I Want You To Make a Disgusted Face and Show Me Your Underwear" from illustrator 40hara was produced, and in 2019 the sequel was announced.
Main Stores
Toranoana has stores in major cities such as Tokyo and Osaka. If you come to Japan for sightseeing, please drop in at Toranoana!
- 北海道・東北 |
Hokkaido・Tohoku - とらのあな出張所 in 駿河屋 札幌 ノルベサ店(北海道)| Surugaya Sapporo Norbesa (Hokkaido)
- とらのあな出張所 in ブックマーケット 駿河屋 函館 美原店(北海道)| Bookmarket Surugaya Hakodate Mihara (Hokkaido)
- 甲信越・北陸 |
Koushinetsu・Hokuriku - とらのあな出張所 in 文苑堂書店 本郷店(富山県) | Bunendo Hongou (Toyama)
- 関東 | Kanto
- 池袋店(東京)| Ikebukuro (Tokyo Flagship Store)
- とらのあな出張所 in Wonder GOO つくば店(茨城) | Wonder GOO Tsukuba (Ibaraki)
- とらのあな出張所 in 駿河屋 ラパーク 宇都宮店(栃木) | Surugaya La Park Utsunomiya (Tochigi)
- とらのあな出張所 in 駿河屋 小山店(栃木) | Surugaya Oyama (Tochigi)
- とらのあな出張所 in 駿河屋千葉中央店(千葉) | Surugaya Chiba Chuo (Chiba)
- 関西 | Kansai
- とらのあな出張所 in 駿河屋日本橋乙女館(大阪) | Surugaya Nipponbashi Otomekan (Osaka)
- とらのあな出張所 in 駿河屋日本橋アウトレット別館&メンズ館(大阪) | Surugaya Nipponbashi Outlet&Mens (Osaka)
- 海外 | Overseas
- 虎之穴台北店 | Taipei (Overseas Flagship Store)
- 東海 | Tokai
- とらのあな出張所 in 精文館書店 豊橋本店(愛知) | Seibunkan Toyohashi (Aichi)
- とらのあな出張所 in 駿河屋 静岡本店(静岡) | Surugaya Shizuoka(Shizuoka)
- とらのあな出張所 in あおい書店 西尾店(愛知) | Aoishoten Nishio (Aichi)
- とらのあな出張所 in お宝創庫 東海富木島店(愛知) | Otakarasouko Fukishima (Aichi)
- とらのあな出張所 in あおい書店 豊川店(愛知) | Aoishoten Toyokawa (Aichi)
- とらのあな出張所 in 精文館書店 領家店(静岡) | Seibunkanshoten Ryoke (Shizuoka)
- とらのあな出張所 in 精文館書店 荒尾店(愛知) | Seibunkanshoten Arao (Aichi)